Final Fantasy XV : The Dawn of The Future

First and foremost, four new downloadable content episodes are planned for release in 2019. Episode Ardyn, Episode Noctis, Episode Luna and Episode Aranea. The concept for the new content is to realize “a future everyone longed for.” The theme is an “alternate grand finale” where “our heroes will challenge their fates in order to realize the ideal future they envisioned.”

Final Fantasy XV : Windows Edition

Take the journey, now in ultimate quality. Boasting a wealth of bonus content and supporting ultra high-resolution graphical options and HDR 10, you can now enjoy the beautiful and carefully-crafted experience of FINAL FANTASY XV like never before.

Final Fantasy XV : Royal Edition

FINAL FANTASY XV ROYAL EDITION brings the acclaimed epic to new heights, packed with add-on content and new features. Join Prince Noctis and his closest friends as they fight against the empire in an effort to take back their fallen kingdom. FINAL FANTASY XV ROYAL EDITION INCLUDES : Insomnia City Ruins: Expanded Map, New Bosses, Armiger Unleashed, Royal Vessel, and More.

Final Fantasy XV

Noctis and his friends Beginning a new journey to getting back Lucis empire which is lead by King Regis, Noctis father from Niflheim. at the same time Noctis has complicated relationship with an oracle and a former Princess of Tenebrae, Lady Lunafreya Nox Fleuret. It's big deal from two empire to make a better world.

Final Fantasy XV : Episode Gladiolus

After being overpowered by Ravus Nox Fleuret at Aracheole Stronghold, Gladiolus worries that he is not strong enough to protect Prince Noctis. While the rest of the party search for mythril to repair the boat at Cape Caem, he leaves the group to train and prove that he is worthy of protecting the Chosen King.

Final Fantasy XV : Episode Prompto

While the party is on their way to Gralea to reclaim the Crystal, Noctis is tricked by Ardyn Izunia into pushing Prompto off the train. As they are under imperial attack, the party is unable to stop the train and are forced to leave their friend behind to be captured by the empire. Several days later, Prompto traverses the snowfields of the Niflheim outlands alone. He succumbs to the cold and is found by magitek troopers and brought to a local magitek production facility.

Final Fantasy XV : Episode Ignis

An original episode told from the perspective of Ignis. With Altissia in ruins after the Trial of Leviathan, Ignis faces the Niflheim Empire to protect Noctis at all costs. Joining him along the way is Ravus, high commander of the Niflheim Empire, who is determined to rescue his sister Lunafreya.

Sunday, 6 August 2017

[Tips & Tricks] How to solve Windows boot error for Windows 8 & 8.1 (Error 0xC000021a)

Postingan kali ini saya akan membahas bagaimana cara menangani error yang krusial dan sering terjadi di Windows 8 & 8.1. Error kali ini Operating System menunjukan sebuah kode (Error 0xC000021a). Kode ini muncul karena salah satu file penting untuk booting corrupt. Jika sudah seperti ini pilihan baik untuk repair, masuk safe mode, refresh your PC & System Restore sekalipun tidak akan bisa.....

Berikut ini adalah penyebab terjadinya error diatas & Cara mengantisipasinya:

1. Windows Update : Jika Operating System yang digunakan Piracy (Bajakan) sebisa mungkin hindari yang namanya Windows Update, Bisa dengan cara klik kanan pada menu taskbar--->task manager--->Services--->Open Services--->klik kanan Windows Update--->Pada Startup Type pilih "Disabled"--->kemudian pada service status pilih "stop"--->klik OK.

2. Multiple Booting : Bagi kalian yang di PCnya menggunakan Dual Boot sebagai contoh Windows 7 dan Windows 8 & 8.1, kemudian main bootnya berada di Windows 8 & 8.1. Secara otomatis kalian tidak akan bisa masuk OS Windows 7 dikarenakan terlebih dahulu harus masuk main bootnya di Windows 8&8.1 tetapi dikarenakan main bootnya Error di Windows8&8.1 (Error 0xC000021a), maka kalian tidak bisa mengakses OS Windows 7. Jika sudah tidak ada pilihan lain untuk recovery main boot Windows 8&8.1 sekalipun menggunakan DVD OSnya atau USB ISO tidak bisa. satu-satunya cara yaitu kalian bisa install ulang Windows 8&8.1. Tidak perlu panik Data kalian hilang, dikarenakan System Windows sekarang jika install ulang sepenuhnya tidak akan menghapus OS Windows 8&8.1 kalian yang lama, tetap ada dan jadi Windows Old.


Jadi kesimpulannya adalah, kalian harus back up Operating System kalian telebih lagi untuk main boot yang menggunakan Dual boot minimal 2-3 bulan sekali. Untuk mencegah supaya kalian tetap bisa akses jika error ini terjadi sudah ada back up Operating Systemnya. Kalian bisa membackup OSny dengan ditransfer ke DVD atau dijadikan ISO. Jadi nanti suatu saat error, kalian bisa load / memuat ulang Operating System kalian, terakhir kalian back up. Untuk Data, Jangan sekali-kali ditaruh di Desktop atau My Document untuk mencegah data hilang disaat kalian melakukan install ulang OS.

Terima Kasih................

Saturday, 22 July 2017

Index [Tips & Tricks]

1.  [Tips & Tricks] Harddisk not detected while installing Operating System [Link]

2.  [Tips & Tricks] Fixing a system stuck on Windows Resume Loader [Link]

3.  [Tips & Tricks] How to make an USB ISO for Installation Operation System [Link]

4.  [Tips & Tricks] How to fix the error Blue Screen Code: 116 [Link]

5.  [Tips& Tricks] Planning a hardware spare parts to assemble your own computer [Link]

6.  [Tips& Tricks] How to resume downloaded file with 99% [Link]

7.  [Tips& Tricks] How to make Android Application with Eclipse [Link]

8.  [Tips & Tricks] How to solve Windows boot error for Windows 8 & 8.1 (Error 0xC000021a)[Link]

9[Tips & Tricks] : How to Optimization booting Windows [Link]

10[Tips & Tricks] How to anticipate or fix PC or Laptop which attacked by DoublePulsar RansomWare [Link]

11[Tips & Tricks] How to get dollar from Whaff application on Android Smartphone [Link]

12[Tips & Tricks] [ Updated Daily ] Boost your Bitcoin with Airdrop [Link]

13. [Tips & Tricks] How to fix Asus Q-Code Table "A2" IDE DETECTED [Link]

14. [Tips & Tricks] How to fix No POST, No Display ( Boot Device Led ) Problem on PC [Link]

[Tips & Tricks] Harddisk not detected while installing Operating System

Kerusakan harddisk pada umumnya hanya terlihat sebatas secara fisik seperti kerusakan sector (Bad Sector), Pin data yang sudah berkarat, dll. namun ada beberapa kerusakan harddisk secara logic seperti pada kasus ini, tidak terdeteksinya harddisk saat install ulang, Disaat kita install ulang, tiba-tiba harddisk kita tidak terbaca oleh sistem Operating System.

Troubleshooting :

1. Pastikan Harddisk tidak error secara fisik, seperti ada kecacatan habis kebanting, atau tertimpa sesuatu bisa dicek dengan cara masuk BIOS dengan menekan tombol sembarang (Del, F1 sampai F12) tergantung tipe komputer kalian, saat komputer pertama kali dinyalakan.

2. Jika sudah dipastikan terbaca oleh BIOS, kemudian kembali Install Windows dengan cara yang sama, namun kali ini masuk ke System Recovery Option ---> command Prompt ---> ketik "Disk Part"--->"list disk"--->select disk (identifikasi harddisk kalian yang mana ingin di jadikan operating system dengan cara melihat kapasitas pada harddisk yang tersedia.

Note : Jika kasusnya kalian ingin install ulang baru di harddisk yang sudah ada data kalian hanya saja di partisi yang berbeda...(Pastikan backup semua dulu data kalian dengan memasang harddisk kalian dikomputer lainnya yang normal) karena nantinya harddisk tersebut akan diformat sepenuhnya.

Pilih --->"clean"--->"create partition primary"--->"format fs-ntfs quick". Tunggu hingga selesai proses format.

3. Selanjutnya Install kembali operating system di Drive Harddisk yang sudah di format sebelumnya.

Terima Kasih............


Index Telecommunication

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