Tips & Tricks
How you can make computer moving faster :
1. Kill the proccess if you don't need to be used
2. Make desktop less files, don't put many files at desktop
3. there are have a choose which one to make computer to
proccess fast, it's to kill the service of computer what haven't you need
4. Always update you antivirus
5. Don't install many program, if you don't need it
6. Usually for defragmenting your harddisk
7. In startup don't make a program running automatically
8. Always to monitoring your proccess in task manager, if
you see a program running automatically you can kill the proccess
9. Give large free space for you operating system
10. Management your battery to proccess all programs with
full power, but it may be decreased your power cosumption in battery
That's all for make computer moving fastest but this effect
only give 30% to work perfectly, and for 60% is your hardware spesification.
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